Key messages
- Most patients with Covid-19 can be managed remotely with advice on symptomatic management and self-isolation.
- Although such consultations can be done by telephone in many cases, video provides additional visual cues and therapeutic presence.
- Breathlessness is a concerning symptom, though there is currently no validated tool for assessing it remotely.
- Safety-netting advice is crucial because some patients deteriorate in week two, most commonly with pneumonia.
- The Primary and Community resource pack has published a useful pathway on categorising patients with Covid-19 symptoms in the community.
- The BMJ has a very useful article and info-graphic regarding assessment. BMJ pathway.
- NHS London: Primary and Community care resource pack during Covid-19 also has information regarding remote assessment.
- We have produced this flow chart to assist in triaging children with, which we expect to be a particular challenge during the winter months due to the upsurge in non-Covid-19 illnesses which cause febrile symptoms.