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Living Guide

The Living Guide and linked documents are archived and are no longer being updated (last updated April 2021). Our monthly newsletter and website continue to provide updates on Covid-19 and many other issues.

Isolation notes and letters for Covid-19 related absence from school

The government has stated that all pupils and students should continue to attend education settings at all local Covid-19 alert levels unless they are one of the very small number of pupils or students under paediatric or other specialist care and have been advised by their GP or clinician not to attend an education setting.

The RCPCH have produced an updated list of conditions that would be considered as extremely clinically vulnerable and should be shielding (Group A) and those who are extremely clinically vulnerable but the decision to shield will be on an individual basis. The full guidance can be found here.

  1. Practices should only be removing patients for the shielded list if they are not under specialist care and do not fall into either the RCPCH Group A or B categories.
  2. We have produced a template letter to provide to parents which summarises the RCPCH guidance on guiding principles for children returning to school. The full guidance can be found on the RCPCH website.
  3. The rules regarding isolation for children who are symptomatic or who have a symptomatic household member apply as above and parents can get an isolation note from the 111 service.
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