- The email address England.london-covid19voc@nhs.net is a single point of contact for all Covid-19 vaccine queries and incidents in London. The email is monitored from 8am– pm, seven days a week.
- Practices have been asked to provide an Enhanced Service ES for the delivery of the forthcoming Covid-19 vaccines.
- The full ES and service specifications are available here, local variation of the contract by commissioners is not permitted.
- Our guidance for practices on the Covid Vaccination Programme 2020/21 Service Specifications can be viewed here.
- Due to the nature of the vaccine and the scale of the project, although an ES (practice level contract), practices will need to work together on a PCN or locality basis to deliver this programme.
- To support the delivery of the individual and collective responsibilities of the collaborating practices as part of the Covid-19 Vaccination Programme (CVP), we have created guidance on completing the Collaboration Agreement and a template for the Data Sharing Agreement.
- An ES is a voluntary contract, practices have the choice as to whether they sign up to this. The LMC will support practices whatever decision they make.