- Designated sites needed to be identified and CCGs informed by 17 November. This was not a formal commitment to delivering the ES.
- Limited information is required: in addition to contact details for key people and the address/code of the site, an estimation of the number of vaccinations expected to be delivered per week (minimum 975) is required.
- Practices/PCNs/localities need to begin planning the logistics of delivering this programme which should be ready to commence at the beginning of December. However, currently it is predicted that the first vaccine stock will become available at the end of December.
- Practices should be entering into discussion at PCN and CCG level to determine what they believe is the most appropriate delivery model for them and their patients under the ES. Federations may also be able to support delivery.
- Information on the vaccine including the cold chain requirements is rapidly changing. Initially there was concern that every site will need cold storage facilities, but the current information is that normal clinical refrigerator temperatures (2-8°c) will be sufficient.
- We will alert you to significant updates on information regarding which vaccine will be available, cold chain requirements and preparation requirements as they become available. The Standard Operating Procedure for local vaccination services in community settings was updated on 26 March 2021.
- To support this programme funding has been agreed:
- £12.58 per vaccination course.
- A national sum of £150m for general practice (see the ‘Outstanding issues’ section for a breakdown by London STP area).
- A national sum of £120k per CCG to support GP recruitment.